Aquaculture, aquarium, conservation and legislation, Tập 16, Số 06, 2023
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STTNội dung
1The effect of variations in stocking density on the growth and survival of striped eel catfish Plotosus lineatus (Thunberg, 1787) fries / Asriyana Asriyana and others
2Fishing strategies of troll line fisheries in Palabuhanratu Fishing Port, Indonesia / Regi F. Anggawangsa and others
3Important-performance analysis of marine tourism development in Karimunjawa Island / Indradi Setiyanto and others
4Development of snakehead fish (Channa striata) albumin extract capsules / Yohanes Kristianto, Nur Rahman, I Dewa N. Supariasa
5Ethnozoology of Lanun community towards biodiversity conservation at Tebat Rasau ancient lake geosite in Simpang Renggiang District, East Belitung Regency / Endang Bidayani, Devi Valeriani, Fitri S. Valen
6Physico-chemical and biological water quality analysis of Ambuwaya Lake in Kiangan, Ifugao, Philippines / Cheryl Grace B. Hoggang, Alvin T. Reyes
7Population dynamics of the oyster Crassostrea cf. corteziensis in the Chone River estuary, Ecuador / Rodolfo P. Panta-Vélez and others
8Unveiling the antibacterial potential and metabolite profile of fungal endophytes of Caulerpa spp. from Teluk Awur Beach, Jepara, Indonesia / Arina Tri Lunggani and others
9Performance of fermentation liquid from mangrove leaves (Avicennia marina) for controlling ice-ice disease in Kappaphycus alvarezii seaweed under controlled conditions / Samsu Adi Rahman and others
10Potential and utilization level of giant tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) in Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau Province / Hazmi Arief and othyers
11Bioaccumulation of chromium in the cultivation of Oreochromis niloticus and Clarias gariepinus in Bantul District, Yogyakarta, Indonesia / Djoko Rahardjo and others
12Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) cultivation center in Meranti Islands Regency, Riau, Indonesia: SWOT analysis and development strategy / Irwan Effendi and others
13Feeding behavior analysis of lobster Panulirus homarus with a different feed shape and size / Amelia S. Lubis, Efrizal, Syaifullah
14Assessement of pesticides and heavy metals contents in edible seaweeds from El Jadida region coastal zone, Morocco and their safety for human consumption / Ikram El Qoraychy and others
15Nitrous oxide production and microbial diversity in an aquaponic system / Maribeb Castro-González and others
16The ecological potential of mangroves in the development of coastal eco-tourism areas: A case study of mangroves in North Buton District, Indonesia / Rosmawati and others
17Isolation and characterization of mercury-resistant bacteria from coastal waters of North Sulawesi and their antibiotic resistance profile / Henry M. F. Palandeng and others
18DNA barcoding of hilsa shad (Tenualosa ilisha) from the Barumun River, Labuhanbatu Regency, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia / Rusdi Machrizal and others
19The status of mangroves in Panguil Bay, Philippines / Wilson C. Nabua, Alita T. Roxas, Wilfredo H. Uy
20Mud crab fisheries management model to improve welfare of fishers: a study on outermost small island, Enggano / Indra Cahyadinata ad others
21Biological aspects of Euthynnus affinis caught with gill net in Rembang Waters, Indonesia / Nur Khasanah, Fitri A. D. Purnama, Abdul K. Mudzakir
22Analysis of the influence of environmental factors on mangrove distribution: a case study in Mangunharjo / Muhammad Musa and others
23Biofloc-based catfish cultivation and its effect on the dynamics of water quality / Deswati and others
24Trajectory mapping of microplastics originating from the Seto Inland Sea, Japan / MS. Yuniarti and others
25Penaeus merguiensis (De Man, 1888) shrimp exploitation rate in the Arafura Sea, Merauke, South Papua / Edy H. P. Melmambessy and others
26System dynamics modelling of carbon emissions from capture fisheries in West Papua Province / Syafrudin Raharjo and others
27Seagrass-fish association in East Bolaang Mongondow, North Sulawesi: Assessing seagrass cover status and evidence to support its conservation / Fione Y. Yalindua and others
28Taxonomic profiling of bacteria in Oreochromis sp. floating-net cage aquaculture system at Bangka Belitung University, Indonesia / Andri Kurniawan, Denny Syaputra, Irvani
29Antimicrobial activities of lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus casei isolated from “bekasam” fermented fish from “siak” / Dinna Devi and others
30Survival rate, morphology, and abnormalities in masculinized Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus / Wahidah and others
31Morphology and genetic characteristics of sea snail, Littoraria pallescens based on different colors from Batu Nona Beach, Kema Tiga, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia / Desy M. H. Mantiri and others
32Physiological condition of fish living in Linow Lake, Indonesia / Livana D. Rawung and others
33A method to quantify social relationships between captive odontocetes based on distances between individuals during synchronous breathing / Kaori Tage and others
34Composition, abundance, and structure community of larva fish in Ambon Bay / Ahmad Romdon and others
35Analysis of hand-line fishermen welfare in the Karimunjawa Marine National Park area, Indonesia / Trisnani D. Hapsari and others
36A new record of the dinoflagellate Lingulodinium polyedra (Dinophyceae, Gonyaulacales) from Tanjung Api-Api, South Sumatra, Indonesia / Danang A. Prabowo and others
37Effect of enriching sea worms (Nereis virens) with DHA on the growth performance and body composition of cobia (Rachycentron canadum) / Seto Windarto and others
38Successful hybridization between Clarias microstomus♂ and Clarias gariepinus♀ / Lirong Y. Abit and others
39New records of nine fish species from the East Vietnam Sea / Tran V. Dat, Vu Q. Thanh, Hoang T. T. Duong
40Evaluation of LvCTL3 gene expression encoding C-type lectin from white-leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) infected with AHPND and black gill disease / Phuong V. Tran and others
41The effect of washing seed cells on the growth patterns and quantity of Spirulina platensis cell culture / Diana Chilmawati and others
42Food base and nutrition of endemic lenok (Brachymystax savinovi) in Lake Markakol and in the reservoir of the river Uidene / Saule Assylbekova and others
43State overview of the Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) population in the Irtysh basin / Olga Kirichenko and others
44Characteristics of fishermen and tourist boat rental service providers in the Karimunjawa Marine Protected Area / Dian Wijayanto, Faik Kurohman, Ristiawan A. Nugroho
45Factors that influence catch production and fishing decisions of small-scale fishers during extreme weather / Abd. Rahim, Diah R. D. Hastuti
46Application of ecosystem service value assessment of water bodies in the development of future plans for the use of aquatic bioresources using the example of water bodies in the Ile-Balkhash basin / Yevgeniy Kulikov and others
47Welfare status of coastal small-scale fishermen in Banten Bay, Northwest Java, Indonesia / Subhechanis Saptanto and others
48Pilot study: a novel approach to the rearing of Diadema antillarum from larval settlers to sub-adults in situ / James Brittsan, Kenneth Nedimyer, Andrew Bruckner
49Analysis of water quality in the coastal area of Padang Pariaman Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia / Eni Kamal and others
50Formation of pedigree brood stock of wild carp/domestic carp in the industrial conditions of the South of Kazakhstan / Nailya Bulavina and others