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Aquaculture, aquarium, conservation and legislation, Tập 17, Số 05, 2024
Mục lục:
Nội dung
Production and fishing season of tuna landed at the Bitung Ocean Fishing Port (PPS) / Ronald S. A. Posundu and others
Impact of contemporary management practices in pond fish farming on the socio-economic condition of fish farmers in north-central Bangladesh / Md. F. Hossain and others
Ecological status of subtidal zone soft substrate macrozoobenthic community in Amurang Bay, North Sulawesi / Lawrence J. L. Lumingas and others
Expression patterns of genes related to growth and immunity in different life stages of spiny lobster, Panulirus homarus / Siti Subaidah and others
Maritime cadet literacy in aquamarine, ecology, and environmental science management / Marudut B. Simanjuntak, Zainal Rafli, Sintowati R. Utami
The relationship of substrate types and density of seagrass species in the waters of Mount Botak, South Manokwari Regency, West Papua Province / Selvi Tebaiy and others
Diet and feeding strategy of the blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) in Moroccan waters of the Strait of Gibraltar / Meryeme Khoukh and others
Microplastics in commercially sold fishes from General Santos City Fish Port Complex, Philippines / Allan Jr. Agao-Agao and others
Fishing capacity calculation for small scale fisheries at Kuala Stabas Fish Landing Base Krui, West Coast Regency / Darmawan, Amelia R. Yuliandini, Didin Komarudin
Identification and characterization of microplastics in freshwater fishponds and marine cages in Baler, Aurora, Philippines / Eden Hapal and others
Integration of FAO blue transformation concept into a “measured fishing” policy and the implications for small-scale fisheries in fisheries management area 714, Southeast Sulawesi case study, Indonesia / Robin and others
Effect of bioethanol waste flour on feed for the growth and blood profile of vannamei shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) / Vivi E. Herawati and others
Ecological indexes of seasonal decapod crustaceans in Tiworo Strait of Southeast Sulawesi waters, Indonesia / La Sara and others
Potential of Artemia biomass cultivated from white leg shrimp wastewater as a supplemental daily feed: Effects on shrimp growth performance, survival, and feed efficiency / Huy D. Nguyen and others
Maximum sustainable yield of bombay-duck (Harpadon nehereus) in the waters of Dumai City, Riau Province / Ulfa R. Pradini and others
Mapping bullet tuna (Auxis rochei) potential fishing grounds in Prigi waters, East Java, Indonesia, using satellite imagery and in-situ oceanographic parameters / Erick Nugraha and others
Assessment of limnological and alternative fisheries management of four oxbows upstream of Citarum River, West Java, Indonesia / Lismining P. Astuti, Arip Rahman, Andri Warsa
Effect of dietary exogenous protease supplementation on growth performance and flesh quality of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) reared at different stocking densities / Kampon Thaiso and others
Reproductive adaptation in fish: A case study on female Eurasian perch, Perca fluviatilis / Sulaeman Sulaeman, Herlinah Herlinah, Ravi Fotedar
The effect of phytase enzyme in feed on growth performance, protein digestibility, feed utilization efficiency, mineral content, and body nutrient composition in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings / Diana Rachmawati and others
The application of Sonneratia alba leaves extracts at different concentrations to enhance the survival and immune reaction of tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon, postlarvae / Muliani Muliani and others
Characteristics of 16S rRNA gene in seahorses from Ternate Island waters, Indonesia / Aras Syazili and others
Phenotypic performance of the synthetic population of common carp reared in different culture systems based on its environmental carrying capacity / Didik Ariyanto and others
Growth pattern and microplastic accumulation of Anadara spp. harvested from the eastern waters of North Sumatra Province, Indonesia / Rahmatsyah Rahmatsyah and others
Yellowfin tuna population condition around the Fisheries Management Area 716, North Sulawesi, Indonesia / Patrice N. I. Kalangi and others
Review on bioprospecting of thermophilic enzymes from hot springs via Omics approaches / Belal A. Shomali, Muhd Danish-Daniel
Phylogenetic and genetic diversity of Serranidae species from the South China Sea based on COI sequences / Quyet T. Vu, Van Q. Nguyen