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Aquaculture, aquarium, conservation and legislation, Tập 17, Số 04, 2024
Mục lục:
Nội dung
Sex ratio and size at first maturity of mantis shrimp (Miyakella nepa) in Lantebung, Makassar / Sri Maulidanti, Sharifuddin B. A. Omar, Joeharnani Tresnati
Numerical modeling of debris trajectory in Jakarta Bay: assessing the threat to Seribu Island / Mutiara R. Putri and others
Coastline abrasion and sedimentation changes on the Banyuasin coast / Yulifa Handayani and others
Analysis of distribution channels, margins distribution, and efficiency distribution of smoked skipjack tuna in Kawangkoan Traditional Market, Indonesia / Victoria E. N. Manoppo, Tamrin Tamrin
The potential of mangroves in supporting fisheries tourism in Banyak Island, Langkat Regency, Indonesia / Helentina M. Manullang, Zulkarnain Lubis, Raja Sabrina
Comparison of growth rate of seaweed Kappahphycus alvarezii using horizontal net and longline methods / Rahmad S. Patadjai, Ma’ruf Kasim, Muhammad R. Pratama
Size distribution, growth pattern and condition factor of common ponyfish, Leiognathus equula, in Takalar waters, South Sulawesi, Indonesia / Sri Haslina and others
Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) as a hytoremediator for organochlorine pollutants in Lake Tondano / Sipriana S. Tumembouw, Henneke Pangkey, Diane J. Kusen
The effects of shallots (Allium cepa L. var. aggregatum) on growth, survival and BCR of TGGG hybrid grouper (♀ tiger grouper × ♂ giant grouper) / Dian Wijayanto
The method for estimating and verification of upwelling phenomenon as a potential fishing ground / Domu Simbolon and others
Study of surface sediment distribution based on grain size in the coastal estuary of Marina Semarang, Central Java / Yuniarti. MS and others
Physical, chemical, and functional characteristics of small pelagic fish meat in Indonesia / Junianto, Iis Rostini
Describing morphological shape variations of the shell of Terebralia sulcata from Muduing Bay, Zamboanga Peninsula, using landmark-based geometric morphometric analysis / Jameyla A. Ladias, Omar B. M. Hampong, Cesar G. Demayo
The growth of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in floating cages treated with aquatic plants in a post coal mining void / Henny Pagoray, Ghitarina Ghitarina
Molluscan fauna in selected freshwater lakes in Mindanao, Philippines / Christine L. Mahinay-Cardente, Mark A. J. Torres, Cesar G. Demayo
Nile tilapia (Orechromis niloticus) productivity performance in small-scale recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) with different biofilter media / Ega A. Wicaksono and others
Salinity and temperature regulations on the genus Trichodesmium in Pombo Island national marine park environment, Central Maluku, during the easterly monsoon / Sem Likumahua and others
Effects of salinity and substrates on the growth performance and survival rates of juvenile mud crab (Scylla paramamosain) / Le T. Phat and others
Density and composition of macro- and meso-plastic in Teluk Penyu coast, Cilacap / Nuning V. Hidayati and others
Biochemical profiles of hybrid grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus x E. lanceolatus) larvae fed with enriched live feeds and commercial diets / Supono Supono and others
Addition of maggot oil in feed for improving feed efficiency, growth performance, and nutritional quality of snakehead Channa striata (Bloch, 1793) / Vivi E. Herawati and others
Utilization of fermented chicory and cabbage waste in feed to improve growth performance of giant gourami (Osphronemus goramy) / Adelina and others
Genetic characteristics of Macrobrachium lar from Gane Timur, Halmahera Island, Indonesia, based on mitochondrial COI gene / Gamal M. Samadan, Supyan, Muhammad N. Findra
The effects of dietary lipid level on the growth performance, body composition and feed utilization of juvenile kelabau (Osteochilus melanopleura) / Adi Susanto and others
Length-weight relationship and condition factor of endemic jielabu betta fish (Betta dennisyongi Tan, 2013) in the water canals of Beutong Hills, Aceh Province, Indonesia / Fazril Saputra and others
Bioaccumulation of tributyltin in gastropods Thalessa aculeata from Bitung waters, North Sulawesi / Natalie D. C. Rumampuk and others
Motility and fertility rates of cryopreserved and freshly collected milt of FAC red Nile tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) and determination of the hatching rate via in vitro fertilization / Lara M. S. Pengson, Ma. J. C. Danting, Ravelina R. Velasco
Exploring the potential of endophytic bacteria isolated from Sargassum sp.: Enhancing growth and non-specific immune response of cobia Rachycentron canadum (Linnaeus, 1766) / Fittrie M. Pratiwy, Muhammad I. Sumantri, Suryadi Saputra
Effects of perilla (Perilla frutescens) seed on growth performance, feed efficiency, and carcass quality of Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) reared in freshwater / Mercy-Shalom K. Adepoju and others
Quality of fermented duckweed Lemna spp. and the effect in the growth response of striped fish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus / Iskandar and others
The status of Asian red-tailed catfish (Hemibagrus wyckioides Fang & Chaux, 1949) cage culture in An Giang province, Vietnam / Tran Van Viet, Mai Viet Van, Nguyen Hoang Huy
Analysis of factors affecting income of common carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) cultivation business in Warukapas Village, Dimembe Sub-District, North Minahasa Regency, Indonesia / Stella T. Kaunang and others
Size distribution and growth patterns of banana prawn (Penaeus merguensis) in the shallow waters of Merauke District, Indonesia / Bonny Lantang and others
Roles of Banda Sea upwelling on Porphyra sp. in Ambon Island, eastern Indonesia / Voulda D. Loupatty and others
Sex ratio and length at first maturity of berber ponyfish, Leiognathus berbis, at Takalar waters, South Sulawesi, Indonesia / Dian K. Wardhani and others
Analysing fatty acid profiles and quality indices of different puffer fish species of east Malaysia waters / Nor Azmi N. E. Dinie and others
Enhancing the growth and survival rate of broodstock female Portunus pelagicus with formulated feed enriched with amaranth (Amaranthus hybridus) extract and vitamin E / Efrizal and others
Growth optimization of marine protist Thraustochytrium multirudimentale MAST-1 and characterization of fatty acids using FTIR spectroscopy and gas chromatography / Sri H. Anwar and others
Fish detection by environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding approach in the Jakarta Bay, Indonesia / Majariana Krisanti and others
Unlocking the secrets of successful spawning: laboratory techniques for breeding ornamental zebrafish Danio rerio (Hamilton, 1822) / Umme O. Rahman and others
Ways of optimizing the fishery in the Small Aral Sea, taking into account the biotopic distribution of fish fauna / Yevgeniy Kulikov and others
Study of antibiotic producing bacteria from anchovy fish (Stolephorus sp.) processing waste: isolation, characterization, and molecular identification / Nurmiati Nurmiati and others
Sustainability of small-scale fishing in the Zoning Plan of Coastal and Small Island (ZPCSI) of North Minahasa and its influencing factors / Firman Ibnusina and others
Distribution of functional feeding group of macrozoobenthos in Lematang River, Merapi, South Sumatera / Novin Teristiandi, Meta Yuliana
Diversity of coral reef and reef fish in Isau Island, Central Maluku, Indonesia / Arman Mualo and others
Analysis of purple-spotted bigeye fish resource utilization landed at Tegalsari Coastal Fishing Port (CFP), Tegal City, Central Java / Sahata J. V. Silaban and others