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Aquaculture, aquarium, conservation and legislation, Tập 17, Số 03, 2024
Mục lục:
Nội dung
Feasibility study of the fermented paste processing industry in the coastal area of Karawang Regency, West Java, Indonesia / Arif Fadilla and others
Investigation of the anti-mould property of European alder cone (Alnus glutinosa) on fish eggs / Károly Vranovics and others
Effects of diazinon based-diazan 60EC on cholinesterase in early stages of snakehead fish (Channa striata) / Nguyen V. Cong, Huynh T. Diem, Bui T. B. Hang
Antioxidant and antibacterial compounds of Gracilaria salicornia from the coastal waters of Nain Island, Indonesia / Lidya I. Momuat and others
Gonadosomatic index and distribution of some edible sea urchins in North Sulawesi waters, Indonesia / Doni Nurdiansah and others
Utilizing digital shoreline spatial analysis to analyze and predict shoreline change in Karimunjawa and Kemujan Islands by 2033 and 2043 / Alfa B. P. Trinida, Max R. Muskananfola, Suryanti Suryanti
Biological aspects and utilization of shortfin scad (Decapterus macrosoma) in the waters of Ternate, North Maluku, Indonesia / Ratna Suharti and others
Effects of protein level on zootechnical performances of male Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Deroua fish farm, Morocco) / Aziz El Moujtahid and others
Growth performance of Java barb, Barbonymus gonionotus, in relation with water temperature / Sri Hastuti and others
Assessing stock status of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Midas cichlid (Amphilophus citrinellus) in Batur Lake, Indonesia / Tirtadanu and others
Feasibility of coral reefs to support marine ecotourism at Kampung Baru Beach, Sempu Strait, Malang Regency, Indonesia / Andik Isdianto and others
Species density and diversity of sea cucumber along the intertidal zone of Dilakit, Divilacan, Isabela, Philippines / Reizel L. Asaytuno, Lemark M. Baustista
Identification of seaweed-associated chitinolytic bacteria capable in forming chitosan from Tongkaina waters, North Sulawesi / Elvy L. Ginting and others
Spawning grounds literature review: spawning success factors / Rini S. Putri and others
Compliance of fishermen and tour guides with zoning in the Karimunjawa Marine Protected Area / Indradi Setiyanto and others
Coral-grazing gastropods diversity in shallow reefs, Pulau Redang Marine Park, Terengganu, Malaysia / Siti N. H. Zainuddin and others
Effect of seasonality and initial stocking density on growth performances of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) cultured in offshore fish farm, in Dakhla Bay, Southern Morocco / Gjije Abderrahim and others
Hematological indicators of blood and natural resistance of crossbred generations carp of Galician and Antonin-Zozulenetsk / Olha V. Krasnopolska and others
Improving the accuracy of tuna fishery data using the fishing e-logbooks in FMA 573 / Syahril A. Raup and others
Evaluation of suitability of hydro-oceanographic characteristics for barramundi floating net cage aquaculture in Jepara Waters, Indonesia / Amalia S. Ayuningtyas and others
Seaweed communities in the coastal waters of Likupang Marine Station, Tongkaina and Kora-kora, North Sulawesi, Indonesia / Rene C. Kepel and others
Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) analysis of maritime environmental protection strategies and priorities in Silugonggo River channel, Indonesia / Indah Saraswatiand others
Morphological differentiation of mantis shrimp (Oratosquillina sp.) from the East coastal water of North Sumatera, Indonesia / Rivo H. Dimenta, Rusdi Machrizal, Khairul Khairul
Improving feed quality by utilizing fermented fig (Ficus racemosa) flour for gourami (Osphronemus goramy Lac.) aquaculture development / Abdullah Munzir and others
Pharmacokinetics and withdrawal time of amoxicillin in striped catfish (Pagasianodon hypophthalmus) after oral administration / Pham Q. Vinh and others
Stock assessment of fourfinger threadfin (Eleutheronema tetradactylum Shaw, 1804) based on length-weight relationship and condition factors from the coastline of North Sumatra Province and Riau Province, Indonesia / Agung Setia Batubara and others
Estimation of mangrove above-ground biomass and carbon stocks from unmanned aerial vehicle-imagery in restoration forest, Langkat District, Indonesia / Achmad S. Thoha and others
The effect of feeding rate on the growth and BCR in TGGG hybrid grouper (♀ tiger grouper × ♂ giant grouper) cultivation / Dian Wijayanto and others
Diversity and characteristics of the habitat of groupers (genus Epinephelus) in Moramo Bay, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia / La O. A. R. Nadia and others
Molecular systematic and phylogenetic analysis of symbiotic bacteria of Hydroclathrus sp. producing antibiofilm enzyme alginate lyase / Stalis N. Ethica and others
The effect of immersion time in thyroxine hormone on growth and survival of koi (Cyprinus carpio) / Bagus D. H. Setyono and others
Effects of water temperatures and dissolved oxygen on brain cholinesterase in snakehead fish (Channa striata) exposed to quinalphos / Nguyen V. Cong, Dinh T. Danh, Bui T. B. Hang
Effectiveness of Wedelia chinensis extract supplementation on the hepatopancreas histology of white-leg shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) experimentally infected with AHPND-causing Vibrio parahaemolyticus / Ngoc N. Tran and others
Combined effects of temperature and salinity on energy budget of red tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus × Oreochromis niloticus) / Tran L. C. Tu and others
Exploring physiological and histological responses of juvenile red spotted grouper (Epinephelus akaara) under varied water temperatures / M. Mofizur Rahman, Young D. Lee, Hea J. Baek
Suitability analysis of runoff coefficient (C) in the kulong catchment area using the NRECA model and Rational Method / Fadillah Sabri and others
Bioeconomic modeling of resource management strategy for purple-spotted bigeye (Priacanthus tayenus) at Tegalsari Coastal Fishing Port / Madhuri Ulinatunnuha, Aristi D. P. Fitri, Dian Wijayanto
Benefit distribution and management of inland fisheries: A case study at Batu Tegi Dam, Lampung Province, Indonesia / Agus Faturohim and others
Investigating the environmental carrying capacity of bio-floc white-leg shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) farming in small-scale household operations in Indonesia / Sudirman Adibrata and others