Aquaculture, aquarium, conservation and legislation, Tập 17, Số 02, 2024
Mục lục:
STTNội dung
1Nacre characterization of black lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera from North Sulawesi / Ockstan Kalesaran, Cyska Lumenta
2Potential of reef fish at Pulo Suwalan coral reef on the coastal area of Rembang Regency, Indonesia / Kukuh E. Prihantoko and others
3Methionine requirement of the spotted scat Scatophagus argus (Linaeus, 1766) fingerling / Mac N. Binh and others
4Natural carotenoids extracted from red bell pepper for enhancement of growth and coloration of false clownfish, Amphiprion ocellaris / Dung V. Tran and others
5The changes in quality of nanocomposite-packed peeled white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) during chilled storage / Le T. Minh-Thuy and others
6The potential of pelagic fish resources in the waters of Sulamu District, Kupang Regency, Indonesia / Alexander L. Kangkan and others
7The sustainability of capture fisheries strategy in Lubuk Larangan area in Batang Bungo River, Jambi Province, Indonesia / Rini Hertati and others
8The growth of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fed a diet supplemented with Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb in a biofloc system / Cahyono Purbomartono and others
9DNA barcoding reveals possible misidentification of selected barb species (Cypriniformes) from Klawing River, Central Java, Indonesia / Agus Nuryanto, Saprudin
10Biodiversity of macrozoobenthos in a mangrove area of North Sumatra, Indonesia / Juliwati P. Batubara ad others
11SWOT analysis in determining coastal environmental protection strategies in the Silugonggo River channel, Pati Regency / Indah Saraswati and others
12Goldband goatfish fatty acids as potential cyclooxygenase-2 blocking agents: a molecular docking approach / Angelinus Vincentius, Nita Rukminasari, Sukarman H. J. Putra
13Identification of bioactive compounds in the oil extract from algae Caulerpa microphysa at Kien Giang province / Truong T. P. Thao, Tran T. Men
14Biodiversity and morphometric characteristics of freshwater fishes in Aceh Tengah, Indonesia / Agus Putra A. Samad, Navia Z. Ilman, Junita Afrah
15Occurrence of presumptive Gammaproteobacteria (Aeromonas spp. and Vibrio spp.) and analysis of water quality parameters of river-dependent and deepwell-dependent tilapia grow-out farms in Pampanga, Philippines / Michelle Grace B. Aquino, Alvin T. Reyes
16In vitro transcription of dsRNA-LjRab7 - a tool for the development of interfering RNA as antiviral therapy in aquaculture of shrimp species / Carlos Fajardo and others
17Study of land use pattern in Cimahi micro-watershed, Sukabumi, West Java for Anguilla bicolor culture / Arif Supendi and others
18Antioxidant and proximate analysis on agar from Eucheuma denticulatum algae, supplemented with chlorophyll pigments extracted from pandan leaves Pandanus amaryllifolius / Desy M. H. Mantiri and others
19Spatial distribution of macroinvertebrates and stream health status of the Alas-Singkil watershed / Rusdi Leidonald, Ahmad Muhtadi, Aldiano Rahmadya
20Analysis of value chains, roles and actor networks in organic tiger shrimp management in Sidoarjo District, East Java, Indonesia, based on the concept of blue economy / Anytha P. Umbas and others
21Assessment of seagrass percent cover and aboveground carbon stock using linear and random forest regression based on Worldview-2 satellite imagery in Manado City waters, North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia / Maxi W. Solang and others
22Correlation of mangrove density with fisheries commodity production on the east coast of North Sumatra / Bambang H. Siswoyo and others
23The influence of physiological activity parameters and protein composition of spermatozoa of first-time and repeat spawning males of Antonino-Zozulenets carp on egg fertilization / Viktor P. Oborskyi and others
24Priority strategy in the development of sustainable capture fisheries in the Marine Protected Area of Kiluan Bay, Lampung, Indonesia / Qadar Hasani and others
25Health performance of Asian redtail catfish (Hemibagrus nemurus) treated with vitamin C and thyroxine hormone / Heri Masjudi and others
26Ecological determinants of yellow flesh discoloration in Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage, 1878): a case study in Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia / Orbita R. Dhuha, Yuni P. Hastuti, Albert G. Malau
27Assessing mangrove cover shifts in Segara Anakan, Cilacap through Land Use Land Cover based on multitemporal satellite images / Hanan A. Syafina and others
28Sustainable utilization of hilsa fish (Tenualosa ilisha) resources in Labuhanbatu waters, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia: A bioeconomic analysis / Irham H. K. Siregar and others
29A comprehensive systematic review on Nike fish (Gobiidae) research trends: Native species in Gorontalo waters, Indonesia / Putri S. Ibrahim and others
30The effect of natural plants on the egg yolk absorption rate of Asian redtail catfish (Hemibagrus nemurus) / Sukendi and others
31Parasite infection, prevalence, intensity, and dominance in climbing perch (Anabas testudineus) in Sebangau River, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia / Evi Veronika and others