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Aquaculture, aquarium, conservation and legislation, Tập 16, Số 04, 2023
Mục lục:
Nội dung
Lead (Pb) pollution on the Pangandaran coast, West Java Province, Indonesia / Titin Herawati and others
Application of mesh bags and non-mesh bags using the off-bottom method in seaweed cultivation of Halymenia sp. / Muhammad Irfan and others
The impacts of Covid-19 on the economy of marine fish traders’ households in Bengkulu City, Indonesia / Kristina, Bambang Sumantri, Gita Mulyasari
Growth, mortality, and reproductive model of Bombay duck (Harpodon nehereus, Hamilton 1822) in Juata Laut waters, North Kalimantan / Gazali Salim and others
A management design for cooperative-based seaweed cultivation business in Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia / Ahmad M. Nuryadi and others
Effects of the replacement of dietary fish oil by soybean oil on growth performance, body composition, and fatty acid profiles of rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus) under mono- and polyculture systems / Hoang N. Manh and others
Application of fish-attracting lights, at surface and underwater, in raft fishing in Manado Bay, North Sulawesi, Indonesia / Wilhelmina Patty, Patrice N. I. Kalangi, Natalis Laian
Dietary phosphorus levels affect snakehead (Channa striata) fish growth and feed utilisation / Tran T. T. Hien and others
Reproduction of Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) in North Maluku waters / Irham and others
Risk assessment of blood clams (Anadara granosa) consumption in Hulawa Village, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia / Bun Y. M. Badjuka and others
Improving net returns of whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) farming through the application of optimal stocking density in Kolaka District, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia / Irdam Riani and others
Dynamics of age changes for the biochemical parameters of sperm production in Amur carp (Cyprinus rubrofuscus) of different geneses / Uliana S. Kuts and others
Diet of the leaf scale gulper shark (Centrophorus squamosus) in the North Atlantic off Morocco / Mohammed Nafia and others
Growth performance, survival, and feed efficiency of the giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) under various starvation patterns / Ikhsan Khasani and others
Traceability schemes and supply chains of tuna fisheries in Indonesian fishing ports: case study of Bitung Ocean Fishing Port and Pondok Dadap Beach Fishing Port, Indonesia / Anta Maulana Nasution, Reninta Dewi Nugraheni, Nailatalmuna Nitrasatri Atmaja
Conceptual model of integrated capture fisheries management on conservation area (WKPPT2) in Batang Bungo River, Bungo Regency, Jambi Province, Indonesia / Rini Hertati and others
The relationship between weight and morphometric size of genus Margarites (Mollusca) in Manado coast, North Sulawesi / Agung B. Windarto, Royke M. Rampengan, Silvester B. Pratasik
Effect of Curcuma xanthorrhiza extract added in feed on the growth and body composition of cobia (Rachycentron canadum) / Vivi E. Herawati, Tita Elfitasari, Seto Windarto
Relationship of the reproductive cycle with the migration of longtail shad (Tenualosa macrura) in Bengkalis Riau, Indonesia / Thamrin and others
Aquaculture feasibility and suitability of the coastal areas of Karampuang Island, West Sulawesi, Indonesia / Mega L. Syamsuddin and others
Blue economy accounting model for tuna fisher groups in Maluku Province, Indonesia / Elna M. Pattinaja, James Abrahamsz, Lussi R. Loppies
Coastal ecology-based management for tsunami mitigation in Padang city, West Sumatera, Indonesia / Hendry Frananda and others
A brief assessment of NADH dehydrogenase 2 (ND2) gene in tuna fish for species determination through DNA barcoding / Beivy J. Kolondam
Embryonic development and performance of Metynnis orinocensis larvae reared in systems with biofloc technology / Mitsuaki Ueno-Fukura and others
Assessment of fisherfolk profile and their awareness and belief regarding introduced American largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides in Pantabangan reservoir / Airanel B. Tad-o and others
Suspended culture of the winged oyster Pteria sterna (Gould, 1851) in tropical estuary / Gilbert Lucas-Zambrano and others
Estimation of fishing boats operational waste and its management strategy at Nizam Zachman Ocean Fishing Port / Mochammad Riyanto, Eko S. Wiyono, Muhammad I. Abdurraman
The effect of the addition of banana stem compost to aerated and non-aerated acid sulfate water media on the growth performance of snakehead fish (Channa striata Bloch) juveniles / Purnamawati and others
Growth performance and immune response of tropical abalone (Haliotis squamata) fed various animal protein sources / Asep Ridwanudin and others
Microfiber found on anchovy from Kawal market, Bintan Island and Banyuasin market, South Sumatera, Indonesia / Mufti P. Patria, Endar W. Ningrum
The effect of different diets on the quality of sperm in striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) / Wahyu Pamungkas, Jadmiko Darmawan, Ikhsan Khasani
Eutrophication and distribution of dinoflagellates as an indicator of water quality in the Probolinggo coast, East Java, Indonesia / Endang Y. Herawati and others
Determinants behind farmer’s participation in collective economic organizations in Vietnam: A study of small-scale shrimp farms / Nguyen T. K. Quyen, Huynh V. Hien, Tran Q. Nhan
The use of Jamaican cherry leaves solution to remove eggs adhesiveness in the production of Asian redtail catfish fry (Hemibagrus nemurus Valencinnes, 1840) / Sukendi and others
Makan Meting activities by the people of Rote Ndao as an environmental crime / Jimmy Pello, Gerald A. Bunga
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) variation in the immunoglobulin M heavy chain gene of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) strains in Indonesia / Huria Marnis, Khairul Syahputra, Bambang Iswanto
Assessment of pollution status and spatial-temporal distribution of physico-chemical parameters using the STORET index and GIS methods in Lake Laut Tawar, Aceh, Indonesia / Syaiful R. Harahap and others
Antioxidant and α-glucosidase inhibitor activity characterization of bioactive components from Parachlorella kessleri AUP5 / Arif Juliari Kusnanda and others
Effect of sediment accumulation rate on coral cover in the waters of Setan Island, West Sumatra, Indonesia / Alan N. Sipahutar, Rifardi
Arthrospira as a potential raw material for functional food development in Indonesia / Sandi Permadi, Noverita D. Takarina, Nining B. Prihantini
Antibacterial potential of bacteria isolates from Hypostomus plecostomus fish intestine against fish pathogens / Jarod Setiaji and others
Concentrations of macro and trace minerals in giant tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon (Fabricius, 1798), from three different farming systems in southwestern Viet Nam / Nguyen P. C. Tu and others
Sustainability status of mangrove ecosystem management in Sungai Apit Subdistrict, Siak Regency, Indonesia / Adriman and others
Effect of Nereis virens fermented meal as a fishmeal substitute in Litopenaeus vannamei juvenile feed on growth performance and nutritional quality / Vivi E. Herawati and others
Comparison of the survival rate of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) fingerlings during the winter period in ponds and a wintering complex in the northern part of Ukraine / Volodymyr Gushchin, Oleksii Polishchuk
Detecting chlorophyll-a concentration and bloom patterns in the coastal area around Indonesia's new capital city (Nusantara) using ocean color reanalysis data / Iwan P. Anwar and others
Estimation and causes of marine debris of gillnet fishing equipment components in the northern sea of Central Java, Indonesia / Khabib Maksum, Fitri A. D. Purnama, Suparman Sasmita
An in-silico study on the chemical compounds from Macrophiothrix longipedia as antiviral compounds against covid-19 / Endik D. Nugroho and others
The effect of acidic pH on chlorophyll, carotenoids, and carotenoid derivatives of Euglena sp. as antioxidants / Istini Nurafifah and others
Length-weight relationship of nine species of the Nike fish school (post-larva Gobioidei) in Gorontalo Bay waters, Indonesia / Femy M. Sahami, Sri N. Hamzah, Sitty A. Habibie