Integrated environmental assessment and management., Tập 9, Số 3, 2013
Mục lục:
STTNội dung
1Informing the Sustainability Dialogue
2Announcing the IEAM Best Paper Award 2012
3The Hazard Communication of Fragrance Allergens Must Be Improved / Ursula Klaschka
4A Framework for Assessing Cumulative Effects in Watersheds: An Introduction to Canadian Case Studies / Monique Dubé and others
5Scale, Assessment Components, and Reference Conditions: Issues for Cumulative Effects Assessment in Canadian Watersheds / Murray Ball and others
6Development of an Effects-Based Approach for Watershed Scale Aquatic Cumulative Effects Assessment / Allison J Squires, Monique G Dube´
7Assessing Large Spatial Scale Landscape Change Effects on Water Quality and Quantity Response in the Lower Athabasca River Basin / Nicole E Seitz and others
8Accumulated State Assessment of the Peace-Athabasca-Slave River System / Monique Dube´, Julie E Wilson
9Accumulated State of the Yukon River Watershed: Part I Critical Review of Literature / Monique Dube´ and others
10Accumulated State Assessment of the Yukon River Watershed: Part II Quantitative Effects-Based Analysis Integrating Western Science and Traditional Ecological Knowledge / Monique Dube´, Julie E. Wilson, Jon Waterhouse
11Fish Community Responses to Multiple Municipal Wastewater Inputs in a Watershed / Gerald R Tetreault and others
12Valued Ecosystem Components for Watershed Cumulative Effects: An Analysis of Environmental Impact Assessments in the South Saskatchewan River Watershed, Canada / Murray A Ball, Bram F Noble, Monique G Dube
13Using the Terrestrial Residue Exposure (T‐REX) Model to Assess Threatened and Endangered Bird Exposure to and Risk from Pesticides / Joseph P Sullivan, Joseph D Wisk
14Evaluating Cumulative Effects of Anthropogenic Inputs in Prince Edward Island Estuaries Using the Mummichog (Fundulusheteroclitus ) / Megan A Finley and others
15Probabilistic Approaches to Accounting for Data Variability in the Practical Application of Bioavailability in Predicting Aquatic Risks from Metals / Philippe Ciffroy and others
16Egg Wash Wastewater: Estrogenic Risk or Environmental Asset? / Nancy W Shappell
17New Test Strategy for Dung Beetles During the Authorization Process of Parasiticides / Nicole Adler, Jean Bachmann, Jörg Römbke
18Learned Discourses: Timely Scientific Opinions
19Book Reviews
20Foreword / Marco Vighi
21Challenges for Exposure Prediction in Ecological Risk Assessment / Antonio Di Guardo, Joop L M Hermens
22Environmental Exposure Assessment of Engineered Nanoparticles: Why REACH Needs Adjustment / Johannes AJ Meesters and others
23Highly Time‐Variable Exposure To Chemicals—Toward an Assessment Strategy / Roman Ashauer, Colin D Brown
24Brief Communication: The Ecosystem Perspective in Ecotoxicology as a Way Forward for the Ecological Risk Assessment of Chemicals / Frederik De Laender, Colin R Janssen
25More Ecological ERA: Incorporating Natural Environmental Factors and Animal Behavior / Agnieszka J Bednarska, Dragan M Jevtić, RyszardLaskowski
26The Use of Traits‐Based Approaches and Eco(toxico)logical Models to Advance the Ecological Risk Assessment Framework for Chemicals / Paul J Van den Brink and others
27Mechanistic Effect Modeling for Ecological Risk Assessment: Where to Go from Here? / Volker Grimm, Benjamin T Martin
28Priorities to Improve the Ecological Risk Assessment and Management for Pesticides in Surface Water / Theo CM Brock
29Developing Predictive Systems Models to Address Complexity and Relevance for Ecological Risk Assessment / Valery E Forbes, Peter Calow
30Draft DG SANCO Document: Addressing the New Challenges for Risk Assessment—An Industry Perspective / Peter Campbell, Peter Dohmen
31Use of New Scientific Developments in Regulatory Risk Assessments: Challenges and Opportunities / Jose V Tarazona