Integrated environmental assessment and management., Tập 8, Số 4, 2012
Mục lục:
STTNội dung
1The Impact of Chemical Pollution on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: the Need for an Improved Understanding / From p.1-2
2Adaptation to Global Climate Change—A Bandage as the Guillotine Descends / Peter M Chapman
3Accelerating Progress at Contaminated Sediment Sites / John Toll
4Specific Environmental Release Categories—A Tool for Improving Chemical Safety Assessment in the EC—Report of a Multi-Stakeholder Workshop / Daniel Sattler and others
5Transitioning Sediment Quality Assessment into Regulations: Challenges and Solutions in Implementing California’s Sediment Quality Objectives / Chris Beegan, Steven M Bay
6Comparison of National and Regional Sediment Quality Guidelines for Classifying Sediment Toxicity in California / Steven M Bay and others
7Development and Evaluation of Sediment Quality Guidelines Based on Benthic Macrofauna Responses / Kerry J. Ritter and others
8Selection of Methods for Assessing Sediment Toxicity in California Bays and Estuaries / Darrin J Greenstein, Steven M Bay
9Habitat-Related Benthic Macrofaunal Assemblages of Bays and Estuaries of the Western United States / J Ananda Ranasinghe and others
10Effect of Sample Area and Sieve Size on Benthic Macrofaunal Community Condition Assessments in California Enclosed Bays and Estuaries / Kamille K Hammerstrom and others
11Incorporating Contaminant Bioavailability into Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks / Keith A Maruya and others
12Assessing the Predictive Performance of Risk-Based Water Quality Criteria Using Decision Error Estimates from Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) Analysis / Douglas B. McLaughlin
13Diagnosis of Potential Stressors Adversely Affecting Benthic Communities in New Bedford Harbor, MA (USA) / Kay T Ho and others
14Good Modeling Practice Guidelines for Applying Multimedia Models in Chemical Assessments / Andreas M Buser and others
15A Dynamic Model Using Monitoring Data and Watershed Characteristics to Project Fish Tissue Mercury Concentrations in Stream Systems / Caroline Chan and others
16International Harmonization of Models for Selecting Less Toxic Chemical Alternatives: Effect of Regulatory Disparities in the United States and Europe / Carl W Lam and others
17Co-Occurrence of 1,4-Dioxane with Trichloroethylene in Chlorinated Solvent Groundwater Plumes at US Air Force Installations: Fact or Fiction / Richard H Anderson, Janet K Anderson, Paul A Bower
18Simplification of Biotic Ligand Models of Cu, Ni, and Zn by 1-, 2-, and 3-Parameter Transfer Functions / Anja J Verschoor, Jos PM Vink, Martina G Vijver
19Evaluating the Relevance of Seasonal Diferentiation of Human Health Intake Fractions in life Cycle Assessment / Rima Manneh, ManueleMargni, LouiseDeschenes
20Learned Discourses: Timely Scientific Opinions / Peter M. Chapman
21Book Reviews
22A Framework for Interpreting Sediment Quality Triad Data / Steven M. Bay, Stephen B.Weisberg